A work of true Genius



I was totally agape, after  my brother asked me to go thru the video. You guys also have a look on this

He is Mr Pranav mistry, A student at MIT.Enjoy the video. Till then cya guys.

Kuch karne ko nahi…


Just changed the look of my this old-new blog. Actually i every time have the same feeling whenever i start this blogging.

Some thing inside me always makes me feel i can write someday. In order to convince my self i keep coming back to the world of blogging and keeps on failing . The monsoons are back in Madras( Loves calling it). Its raining heavily out here and we are bound to sit at our places in spite of a weekend. Some times you feel office is a btr place to spend time. Kuch TP to hoga. The disadvantage of having TATA Sky is ( not like ki life jhingalala hoga) as soon as rains come the signal is distracted and takes away the taste…..

Madras is one such place, which i have seen has the worst drainage systems, if it rains here for 15-20 mins heavily the roads will be waterlogged. The point is i am talking about the most posh areas. There is some basic problem with the city leaving aside the general problems which we ‘the Punjabis have ‘ .

As Picasso says “Good artists copy Great Artists steal”. I have just come across the new look of orkut and seems they have copied it well from FB. Anyways i have been a orkut fan ever since  was introduced to the world of social networking. I some time wonder why the giants like Google have to copy, But anyways this is life ….





Waise the blog is not new for many people…i have this bad habit to start new blog every now and then… and then leave it for people to visit…until they get bored of not being updated. I was planning to come back to this place again and finally i came. Some thing was keeping me busy and now i am out of it to update this again. This time i took a conscious call not to start a new blog.I have  made a promise that i will maintain this as my final address on web.I know it will be tough as i am in a transition phase.

This blog will carry my experience with the 4 letter word called LIFE…

Hope to change the tradition and evolve my self as better Blogger.